I am tired of hiding in Pops closet. Mums made turkey dinner for 7 people yesterday. They came early and stayed late. I had to hide all day long. When I finally tried to sneak out to get to my food dish, I was spotted and had to run away again. Criminy! You all were laughing, eating great smelling food, and playing games. And I had to hide.
At least Mums let me sleep in the big bed last night. But then she invited over one of her girlfriends again today. Mums, I was not meant to be social. And I am getting tired of Pop's closet. So please, let's have a day alone tomorrow, just the three of us. I want to bask in the sun, not bask in the dirty clothes.
ps - Mums said I should be grateful for what I have, and shouldn't crab so much. What does she think this is - Thanksgiving or something?
oh, that wasn't long underwear. It was one of Mums' tops. She has been hunting for it for a while now and I have used it to catch my drool. She is not happy.