Monday, November 29, 2010

Butter and Winter

Mums is eating butter. Lots of it. Sure, she slathers it on Kavli Crispi Thin toasty things, but there is definitely more butter going on that crispy thing than crispy.

She says it's winter, and she needs to put on her winter coat, just like me. Yes, my neck has gotten thicker, but my waist line is still itsy bitsy. Hers is getting a bit out of control. Maybe this trip (the one she hasn't really told me about yet) is going to be good for her. From what she is packing, it hasn't much to do with winter.

She's Scandinavian, and she says butter is the most important ingredient in being a Scandahovian. I guess I don't care as long as I get my tuna.

Hey, Mums, did you stock up on my tuna treats?


Sunday, November 28, 2010

Oh-Oh, Something May be Going On!

Mums is really busy right now. She has been doing laundry, cleaning, sorting, and something tells me I am about to be unhappy for a while. I am not sure yet, but I have seen this type A behavior before.

Mums is piling up clothing and supplies. There hasn't been a show of suitcases yet, but I am curious. After all, that is my one job in life - curiosity. And she has been making lots of lists with labels of "Ann" and "Raquel". I think she calls them To-Do lists. Since she doesn't have much to-do besides leave, I am wary to say the least.

I will keep you informed of the next few days, but something tells me the computer will be closed pretty soon. Shit, damn and all that other stuff. I don''t want my Mums and Pops to leave me!!!!


Friday, November 26, 2010

Virtual Friends

Come on! Mums has many virtual friends and I have only 3! Please be my friend. All you need to do is send Mums a picture. How difficult is that.

Don't you want to be my friend?


Pops bought a Scotish blanket years ago. I have adopted it as my own. I love the little bits that hang from the ends of the blanket. Pops likes that it keeps him warm. He is old, after all.

But mostly I want you to look at my ears and my coloring. I am a beautiful multi-colored girl. I have black, white and butter-scotch pudding spots all over my head and body.

But my ears are special. They are quite something, aren't they? I can hear Mums calling me, and I can pretend for hours to ignore her. I can hear Pops making his noises, and while I perk my ears, I ignore him too. Mums ignores his noisss too.

Please don't hate me because I am beautiful.

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I am tired of hiding in Pops closet. Mums made turkey dinner for 7 people yesterday. They came early and stayed late. I had to hide all day long. When I finally tried to sneak out to get to my food dish, I was spotted and had to run away again. Criminy! You all were laughing, eating great smelling food, and playing games. And I had to hide.

At least Mums let me sleep in the big bed last night. But then she invited over one of her girlfriends again today. Mums, I was not meant to be social. And I am getting tired of Pop's closet. So please, let's have a day alone tomorrow, just the three of us. I want to bask in the sun, not bask in the dirty clothes.


ps - Mums said I should be grateful for what I have, and shouldn't crab so much. What does she think this is - Thanksgiving or something?

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone

I thought I was lazy! Mums is going to the grocery store today to buy a pre-made Thanksgiving dinner. I mean, how easy is it to throw a turkey in the oven.

The mums started ranting and raving. The words, the expressions, the thoughts that were pouring from her mouth. I cannot repeat, she still has a bar of soap laying around with my name on it. But, this is sort of what she said.

Defrost and clean the turkey.Take care of Pops. Chop onions, bread, giblets and mix with stuff. Green beans cleaned and cooked. Take care of Pops. Clean the kitchen. Take care of Pops. Make pastry and filling. Take care of Pops. Clean the kitchen. Make 3 more side dishes and take care of Pops. Set the table. Serve the wine. Carve the turkey.....

And then...

Take care of Pops while washing dishes and cleaning the kitchen.

Okay, Mums, buy the dinner. Just leave me in peace, okay? I don't get to enjoy the dinner, and I don't much like company. Just do what you need to do and then groom me at the end of the day. Okay. Please. I won't call you lazy again.


Monday, November 22, 2010

Explaining Minn-ee-sooo-tah

I don't get this winter stuff. One day there is 8 inches on snow on the ground, and a few days later it is raining. Mums almost fell down this morning when she stepped outside to check the weather. (Why she can't listen to the news like Pops does, I will never figure out!)

Mums says we live in Minn-ee-sooo-tah, as if that explains anything. Minn-ee-sooo-tah nice, Minn-ee-sooo-tah weather, Minn-ee-sooo-tah Vikings - she says they are all just a bunch of bull. Actually she said another word after bull, but if I said it she would wash my mouth out with soap.

Mums says she wants to pack up me and Pops and move to somewhere without winter and without a football team. Pops won't hear of living somewhere where there is no football. So I guess we are stuck here, one more year, with all this Minn-ee-sooo-tah crap - a bad football team, crappy and unpredictable winters and people who go around pretending to be nice.


Saturday, November 20, 2010

A Virtual Dog Friend

Mums, this is really fun! So many creatures out there who want to be my friend. MY friend!! Not your friend or Pops friend, but MY friend. I am going to be as famous as a Paris Hilton pet!!!

Stewart is a dog. I have never met a dog in person, but there are a few that bark in the neighborhood. I don't understand barking. What else is there to say besides "food"? That's one little word. How many times in a day can you say "food?" Mums says they have to also ask to go outside to go to the bathroom. And then they also bark because they want to play. And they say cats are dumb! I go to the bathroom all by myself and play when ever I want. Why would you ask? I don't get it at all.

Stewart's mom and my mom are friends. Virtual friends. Stewart's nana has MSA like Pops. Stewart likes to chase cats, so he can never come to visit me. But I can look at his picture now and then. He is kinda cute, isn't he? Stewart - my third virtual friend.


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Friday, November 19, 2010

My Second Virtual Friend

Meet Sammie Sue. Sammie Sue lives in Arizona. Mums and Sammie Sue's human mom have met. Mums even met Sammie Sue. But not me. She is just my virtual friend. 

I know, cats and birds are not suppose to get along. But I just watch birds. I think they are funny the way the peck at food and fly around. They are so busy all of the time. They aren't good at relaxing like I am. 

Sammie Sue and I do have two things in common, however. Sammie Sue writes a blog, too. And, just like me, Sammie Sue has her human mom wrapped around her little claws. Well, I have paws, but you get the drift.
Visit Sammie Sue at She is a bit smarter than me, but I am still prettier! 

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Thursday, November 18, 2010

My First Virtual Friend

Mums has a whole bunch of virtual friends. She has friends all over the US and a bunch in Europe. She says it's the latest thing to do - have friends that you may never meet. She has met some of her virtual friends, and has really liked them. But most of them she just chats with on places like Facebook, whatever that may be.


Why shouldn't I have virtual friends? 

So here is my first virtual friend, Toffee. Toffee lives with Mums sister and brother-in-law in London. She gets to go outside! Not fair, Mums! You had me de-clawed and I can't go outside. Well, you do let me out on the deck and that is scary enough. In fact, the leaves blowing around really frightened me last week. And now this horrible snow? Okay, I don't want to go outside.

But, I have a virtual friend that does like going outside and that is cool. I think she is nuts, but who am I to judge?

Would you like to be my friend? Send Mums a picture and be my virtual friend. Just don't plan on coming over for a visit. I do not share my props with anyone!


ps: Human types need not apply!

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Tuesday, November 16, 2010


I am lazy. I mean really, really lazy. You know the old saying that goes something like, "you are so lazy, your picture would be the dictionary definition of lazy?" Well, I am so much lazier than that.

I eat while laying on my belly. I only stand up if Mums puts my props (remember, these are my treats) on the arm rest of her chair and she forces me to reach for them on my own.

I cry when I want to get up on the bed to sleep with Mums and Pops. Eventually Mums will pick me up. I repeat this laziness in the morning to get down from the bed in the morning.

I have three places to sleep in the condo. My favorite bed, which you see on the left, a tent and a pillow besides Mums and Pops bed when Mums refuses to pick me up. I spend 95% of my time in one of these three places. The other 5% of my life is all about rubbing on Mums legs for my props or rolling on the rug in front of her to get her attention to give me more props.

Do you know anything lazier than me? I don't think so. That's my job - the laziest one!

Shiva, the Lazy Goddess

Sunday, November 14, 2010

My Jungle

Recently, Mums decided the condo needed painting. She painted the living room blood red (she's been watching Dexter lately) and then she moved to MY room - the sun room. For some reason, she decided that yellow would be a good color. I don't agree with her, and I am not sure that she really likes it either. It rather glows in the dark.

If that wasn't bad enough, she moved my jungle. When she was fixing the windows that the contractors had messed up and painted, I had two weeks of jungle time. All of the plants were on the floor on the blue rug. I liked the jungle. I didn't have to move very far to find another plant to hide under.

Now, I have to actually get up on all four paws and move from one plant to another. Most of the plants I can't even reach. They are no good for hiding!

Mums, I want my jungle back! And get rid of this horrible yellow. It does not suit my coloring!
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Saturday, November 13, 2010

Shiva's View II

It's still coming down at noon, on 11/13/10. Mums!!! Help!!! We are gonna be buried in this white stuff! Mums!!!!!
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It's been so long, I almost forgot what snow looks like.

Mums is not looking too pleased as she sees the wind blowing and the big flakes falling. I don't think she likes snow so much. But I am having a grand time sitting here on my indoor deck chair watching it fly by.

Mums opened the door for me and I let a few flakes land on my head. But it's way too cold out there to play. I can't go out and sun myself either - I can't see the sun through all of this snow.

I think, maybe, I will just go back to bed and snuggle with Pops. I'll let Mums stay out here alone with that scowl on her face.


Friday, November 12, 2010

My Name is Shiva

Shiva is the Hindi Goddess of Life and Death. And Shiva is my name. I am a cat. I am a calico cat with great coloring! I am a pretty girl and I know it.

I was adopted by my Mum and Pops in July of 2008. Pops always wanted a kitty, but Mum said cats made her eyes water and her face itch. As it turns out, she wasn't lying, but now she takes allergy pills when I bug her too much. Mum finally gave in when she Pops got really sick. She thought maybe a kitty would cheer Pops up.

I was born in the streets. My real mother was a tramp, and had a bunch of us all of the time. My mother also had a bad virus and only half of my brain ended up getting developed. I can't jump up on furniture and I fall down a lot. But, like I said, I am pretty so I can get away with so much!

So hello everyone. If you are my friend, you may call me Shiva (that is Shee-vah). I you are not my friend, you must call me Goddess and give me my props (Mum calls them treats). I am particularly fond of tuna tasting stuff, but I will eat anything after I have ignored it long enough.

Bye now, as we say in the great Midwest.