Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Stewart is Silly

Remember this guy? Stewart?

Well, I just heard a new story about this dude. It seems he likes to chew. Well, Mums says all dog, especially puppies, like to chew. She said I tried to chew everything too, when I was a tiny kitty. But that's all in the past, and we are here to talk about Stewart.

Okay, so he likes to chew. Big deal. But get this! He likes to chew on soapy tasting things. Bars of soap disappear right before your very eyes! He even likes to chew on his Mom's razor, just because it has soap around the edge of the razor. His Mom has found him on her bed in a bloody mess.

Really, Stewart. I have heard of washing your mouth out with soap after you have said bad words. But usually it's a parent that forces you to do it. If you have been barking bad words, you don't need to punish yourself! Humans really don't understand us when we swear and cuss. They just think we are being cute!

So stop it already Stewart. You are going to start blowing soap bubbles out your butt!


1 comment:

  1. I have always believed that dogs don't have any class and this dog proves my point!
