Mums is finally feeling better and she said I could post today. Man, she sure takes a long time to heal up! Anyhoo, you get to meet another of my friends. Heeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrreeeeeeee issssssssss Juno!
Juno is the only boy cat in Mums cat lady friend's house. He is a tortoise shell cat. He is a bit wild and crazy and gets into all sorts of mischief. And not only can he run and leap and jump, but he can crawl up the walls. Or at least Mums said something like she would crawl up the walls if he lived with us.
And he is huge! He is only a kitty and he already weighs 12 pounds. That's almost twice as much as I weigh. I wish Mums would of taken a picture of his paws, but she couldn't get him to sit still long enough.
But the best part is, he drives Tigre, the grump, crazy. Anytime Juno walks into the room, Tigre growls and jumps at Juno. JoAnn, Mum's friend, says they are just playing, but Mums thinks that Juno is Tigre's Nemesis. Of course, I believe anything Mums tells me, so I think JoAnn is wrong.
Rough tongue licks to all my virtual friends and readers!
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