Thursday, February 10, 2011

A Shiva Sitter

I have been weird lately. I have been falling more than lately. And then I cry for Mums to pick me up. Sometimes she will, but sometimes she makes me do it on my own.

One day I got caught with my head under a low dresser. Mums was out of the house so I cried for hours before I was rescued.

So Mums has decided to have a house/cat sitter when she goes to visit Jane and Ralph. Really it's a kitty sitter, she doesn't worry about the condo.

I hope I like her. Anna, the sitters name, says she loves all animals and she will love me. I hope so. I do like that her name is almost like Mums. And she has a British accent like Ralph. So I guess I will at least try to like her. Maybe I will like her better than Mums! Ha! Wouldn't that teach Mums a thing about all her traveling!


1 comment:

  1. I have found that dirty looks work if mom has been away traveling. Or, I refuse to make eye contact with her. Whatever guilt trips work, you know? Stop getting your head stuck in strange places, you goofy cat!
