Monday, February 7, 2011

Dependency ala Mums

Mums and I have gotten real close lately. Mums is worried that I am too dependent on her. I want to sit in her lap all the time and curl up next to her in bed all night. I say, maybe if she got out of her chair and out of bed once in a while the problem might just be solved.

She also has been using me as her day planner. Every morning she tells me what she is going to do for the day. The problem with this is, I don't ever know what she is really talking about and her memory is on loosey goosey right now. As a result, nothing ever gets done.

I think Mums needs a vacation. Then I can be alone and get my own self back together and Mums can stop being so dependent on me.

Ah ha! She thinks I am too dependent on her, when really she is really too dependent on me!

Mums - get out of your chair and do something!



  1. My mom has been sick so she's been laying around too but she puts me in my acrylic carrier and takes me to bed with her, which I love. As long as I can be close to her is all that matters. Don't get me wrong--I don't spend the night in mom and dad's bed. He has his limits and that would be pushing it.

  2. Shiva, just be kind to yourself and Mums. Time will make things better.
