Thursday, February 3, 2011

My Sunny Space

I Love My Sunny Space

Mums says people all over the world are hating this winter. But I do not care! I am in my sunny place and the rest of the world be damned. Oh, oh..... here comes Mums to tell me to be more empathetic. Empathy, Smpathy! I am happy and that is really all I care about. 
Shine on!



  1. I have this gym thingy on top of my cage and in the afternoon, I perch on it for my afternoon sun. I can also watch the Quail walk along the wall but they ignore me. I don't think they know I'm one of them...well, you know...a bird, not a Quail.

  2. The birds outside ignore me too, Sammie Sue. I think the free birds are just too arrogant for my taste.
